
Random Act of Kindness Day
Monday 17th February 2020
It's Monday lunchtime and I'm in the queue at the local supermarket, when I notice the elderly person behind me who has only three items in their basket.
Sound familiar? What do you do? How do you act? Do you turn away oblivious to the fact that this person may pop out daily just to have human interaction?
Me being me and working in the care industry, I tend to chat to everyone but especially older people, as I'm very aware I may be the only person they talk to all day. So, I usually smile and ask if I can help with their shopping or if they would like to go in front of me as they don't have much shopping, that sort of thing.
You can usually tell those people that don't talk to others much, as they will often say they are happy to wait and engage in conversation. As I say, I'm quite a chatterbox and after all its not hard to spark up a conversation whether its about Brexit, the good old British weather, or to ask what their plans are for the day. It costs nothing to be polite, smile and have a good old chit chat.
Today is Random Acts of Kindness Day 2020 and all this week we'll be posting (over on our Facebook page - click here) a kindness quote and some inspiration for little acts of kindness that could go a long way in our local communities and would ask you all to help. After all, when people start talking, great things can happen so lets all offer kindness and make our communities better places to live.
Today's 'Quote of the Day'
Kindness is love made visible.
Today's 'Act of Kindness'
Visit an elderly neighbour.
Tina x