Frequently asked Questions
What is the difference between a carer and a personal assistant?
A carer is usually employed by a care agency and receives direction from the care agency on the support required, following a care plan. They usually visit many clients in one day and may not revisit those clients again... ever!
Personal assistants or PAs as they are known, are directed by the client or their family, this allows for each client to be treated as the individual they are and for support to be flexible to ensure the best possible outcomes for your loved one.
Our PAs are self-employed, they decide the times and days they work but also most importantly the clients they work with, so you can rest assured they really want to be there. PAs work with the same small group of clients each week, so they really get to know them and their routine, plus they can quickly establish when your loved one doesn't appear to be themselves which is invaluable when they have dementia and can't often explain.
Our PAs do not wear a uniform as we feel this draws attention to the fact your loved one requires care, instead we want them to feel they are having support from a long-term friend.
What is a personal assistant and why are they self-employed?
Personal assistants are just that - someone who personally assists your loved one with whatever task they require help with. Personal assistants offer a far more flexible service compared to that of a traditional care agency as they are directed by the client who requires support rather than a manager from the care agency.
From experience clients find employing personal assistants to be quite a hassle (payroll, finding holiday/sickness cover, pensions and so on..), whereas with self-employed personal assistants provided through Your Care they get the same quality service without the stress that employment brings.
During our FREE consultation, we'll discuss your care needs in detail. We've set each visit at a minimum of 2 hours to provide you with unhurried, quality time to bond with your dedicated Personal Assistant. Pricing is simple and consistent for all care services.
We personally match our PA's and clients. We look at the clients and PA's interests, skills and knowledge. Each regular team member is introduced to our clients to make sure that they have peace of mind and feel comfortable. We look at continuity of care and pride ourselves on the friendships that our PA's and clients make.
What services can a personal assistant provide?
Personal assistants provide a wide range of services, from meal planning to shopping, personal care such as having a bath to accompanying your loved one to the hairdressers, socialising to maintaining their home. Whatever support is required our personal assistants can help and because each visit is directed by the client or their family, nothing is set in stone, so the support is totally flexible to provide the best possible outcomes for your loved one.
Invoices will be sent out monthly. Payment is to be made via BACS - cheques and cash are not accepted. Options also available for Direct Debit.
From experience of running our business since 2014, we have seen the immense difference our personal assistants have been able to make to the lives of not just their clients but also to the families involved. We don't believe support should be purely task focused, instead we believe in allowing time for the support to be delivered with dignity, respect and to include companionship. We take the pressure off the family so they can spend quality time with their loved ones.
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